
IfindFarmingXPisbestwhenyousticktothehighgcropslikeMelonastheyalsodeliverthemostXPperspot,especiallyifyouneedthe ...,MyXP:352FarmingXP(cringe)1012FishingXP(cringe)10599ForagingXP51365MiningXP41955CombatExpSummerDay21,Year3.,ThiscomprehensiveguideprovidesvaluableinsightsforplayerstoefficientlyleveluptheirSkillsinStardewValley.,Skillsareplayerattributeswhichareleveledupthroughtheuseofspecifictoo...

Just have a quick question about leveling my skills.

I find Farming XP is best when you stick to the high g crops like Melon as they also deliver the most XP per spot, especially if you need the ...

How much skill XP do you have?

My XP: 352 Farming XP (cringe) 1012 Fishing XP (cringe) 10599 Foraging XP 51365 Mining XP 41955 Combat Exp Summer Day 21, Year 3.

Stardew Valley: How to Level up All Skills

This comprehensive guide provides valuable insights for players to efficiently level up their Skills in Stardew Valley.


Skills are player attributes which are leveled up through the use of specific tools or actions, or by reading Books. Each skill has ten levels. Thorns Ring · Sturdy Ring · Other languages


Foraging is the skill associated with gathering wild resources found on the ground throughout Stardew Valley, and with chopping down Trees.

how to max skills fast :

Each gold node gives you 18 experience, and the white rocks you see gives you 3 exp each too. Gems can give you anywhere from 16 - 150 (Only ...

Finding a use for exp :

There is a use for XP. There's a door in the woods south of the farm. Explore that (assuming you have all skills on 10).

Experience Bars - Stardew Valley

Straight donations accepted · Experience Bars adds experience bars for your skill levels, so you can see how far you are from leveling. Files 1 · Posts 306 · Images 2

Is there a way for me to see my experience points in a skill?(Pc)

You can catch more than one of the same fish. Each type of fish gives a unique amount of xp depending on how difficult it is to catch.

What's the most efficient way to level up skills?

Combat exp is gained with killing things. Go kill things. Stronger monsters equal bigger exp. Use the weapon of your choice.